Real Cases. Real Results
Real Patient Case Studies
Due to an injury to the SI joint, I was experiencing severe debilitating pain 24 /7 for six months making sitting, walking, or sleeping difficult. Cortisone injections did not help the pain or mobility. After the first set of prolotheraphy injections, my pain was less and mobility improved. In just three months, I am nearly pain free with more mobility. It was like getting my life back! I liked having no drugs with adverse side effects as cortisone is known to have. I found Dr. Chappell to be very caring and knowledgeable. From personal experience, I would recommend prolotherapy for any joint injury.
Robert is a 72 year old gentleman with ongoing knee pain related to Osteoarthritis and recurrent swelling with activity. This was really interfering with his golf game. He has been told that he is a candidate for a total knee replacement, but does not feel ready. After learning about Robert and his future plans, we suggested a course of prolotherapy injections. The injections were repeated every 3-4 weeks for a total of 6 treatments. Robert opted for this option because it did not require any down time and he was able to continue golfing, even during the treatments. Following the treatments, Robert was very pleased since he was no longer experiencing swelling and had minimal discomfort, even when he opted to walk instead of ride while golfing.
Bill is a 55 year old gentleman that hurt his right shoulder when he was getting into his car and threw his gym bag from the driver's seat to the passenger's seat. He immediately felt pain, but not enough to cause him to seek treatment. After 8 weeks, he was no longer able to perform overhead activities, such as reaching into the cupboard to get a dish. When we first met Bill, he was unable to raise his right arm above his head and had pain when he elevated his arm to shoulder level. We discussed options and recommended an ultrasound exam of his rotator cuff which revealed a rotator cuff tear. He was under the impression that this always requires a surgery and he could not afford the time off work. After a discussion, Bill was relieved to learn that he didn’t need an MRI or surgery. We discussed treatment options and Bill decided to proceed with regenerative injections in conjunction with physical therapy directed at the entire shoulder. After a series of injections and 6 weeks of PT, Bill was back to throwing gym bags, pain free.
Jane is a 37 year old mother of 3. She had been experiencing ongoing low back and hip pain following the birth of her 3rd child 5 years ago. Prior to our visit, she had tried and participated in physical therapy, chiropractic care, and pain medication. She stated that the physical therapy and chiropractic treatments were both helpful but were short-lived. She did not like the way that the medication made her feel. She had already had multiple imaging studies, all of which were considered unremarkable. When I had the opportunity to meet with Jane she was defensive and on the verge of losing hope as she had been passed around for many years without explanation of her pain, and she was now experiencing weight gain secondary to the lack of pain-free movement. Fortunately for Jane, this is a very common complaint in my office and appears to be associated with laxity, or loosening of the pelvic ligaments. After a discussion of treatment options I recommended a problem-specific physical therapy and home-exercise program, in conjunction with Osteopathic Manipulation and bracing. After a few weeks of strengthening, Jane did feel some improvement and was now able to participate in her activities with less pain, however she was not where she desired to be. We once again discussed treatment options and she decided to pursue regenerative injections. Following 2 treatments of injections 4 weeks apart, Jane could now participate in life with minimal to no pain. She could now “be a mom again”.
As a high school athlete I had tendinitis in my knee that limited my ability to play at 100%. Dr. Chappell performed PRP treatment that eliminated the pain and allowed me to continue football and basketball . I've experienced very little pain since that time . Dr. Chappell was awesome on a professional and personal level.